Experienced Team With Proven Track Record
SolAround’s team has many decades of accumulated scientific experience applied to the solar energy industry. Our team's many decades of accumulated scientific experience were applied to the solar energy industry. Prior to founding SolAround, our team founded bSolar in 2008, where the first generation (Gen-1) of solar p-PERT cell technology was developed and manufactured by our proprietary machines. We acquired, retrofitted and operated a 30MWp line in Germany, and successfully introduced industrial and fully CE/UL-certified high-efficiency, low-cost, p-type bifacial solar cells and modules to the market.
bSolar was closed due to major changes in the solar energy market in 2012. SolAround’s novel technology, entirely different from bSolar’s technology, was envisioned later, during 2015, offering a new cell process and technology, of a higher performance relative to Gen-I cells.
SolAround is a member of the Solar-Era-Net ‘Bifalo’, SNaPSHoTs and the AmbiPV European consortia for the development of high-end bifacial modules; and a member of professional work groups for the standardization of bifacial systems worldwide.